John Woo

Posté dans PS3 Le 9 mai 2006 par Anthony Cocain

John Woo, maître du film d’action, collabore avec Midway pour l’adaptation de l’un de ses films : Stranglehold. Et à en juger cette video, ça promet! Ambiance, action, mouvements, acteurs du film sont fidèlement retranscrits. A vous de vivre un vrai film d’action!

Posté le 9 mai 2006 | 7 commentaires
Posté dans PS3

Ecrit par Anthony Cocain

Créateur du blog, webmaster, rédacteur, testeur... depuis 2006. Joueur depuis... les 80's... Je souhaite partager avec vous ma passion du jeu video à travers son histoire et son actualité avec tests, news, previews, reportages...

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7 commentaires sur “John Woo
    1. Keyla - Le 12 Mai 2016 à 18 h 39 min

      When you refer to the rise in gun crime in the UK you must bear in mind that these figure are AFTER ALL Legally owned handguns were coinsfcated. Seems that last gun crime prosecution was that of a farmer in an isolated farmhouse who shot at a pair of burglars – with some 20 previous convictions – after they violently broke into his home in the middle of the night.On the subject of Detroit they recently published some statistics about their public libraries, it cost them about $35 per item loaned out.

    2. - Le 26 Mai 2016 à 14 h 58 min

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    3. insure me on any car - Le 18 Avr 2017 à 18 h 11 min

      Sigivald wrote:""Have a trial" does not mean "maybe they're not actually guilty", in and of itself"Maybe, but guilty or not guilty of what?What woud the charges be? on whose laws, are they based on? the Libyan laws of Gadahfi's time or new ones that they haven't come up with yet?What we're looking at is an attempt to gain legitimacy by claiming some sort of legality and that's why show trials were invented.I never liked the Nuremberg trials either.Terry

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